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Mrs H. G.-F.
Mrs H. G.-F.
Posts : 48
Join date : 2020-03-28

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Harriet Chalmers Adams

Tue 7 Apr - 8:21
- Read the article about Harriet Chalmers Adams (it's not that long - there are many photos!): https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/03/40000-mile-journey-was-nothing-for-19th-century-female-explorer/

- Sum up what you like about Harriet Chalmers Adams by replying to this post.

- Say which of her pictures you prefer, and justify ("because I like it" is NOT a justification).

You have until Friday, April 17.
Lolie Chevallier

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Re: Harriet Chalmers Adams

Mon 13 Apr - 14:59
- What I like about Harriet Chalmers Adams that starts to travel since she is 8 with her father, she is very close of him. Then with her husband they gone in Latin America using differents types of transports. Her husband share the same passion as her: travelling.
She travelled in many countries like in Spain, France or Egypt. She also the first woman to photographed the French frontlines of World War 1.
So what i like in Harriet Chalmers Adams it’s that she was able to do whatever she wanted to do without thinking whether or not she had the right to do it.

- My favorite picture is the picture when she was with her driver in Peru on horseback.
It’s my favorite because it shows how Harriet move in countries, we can see that’s not a very confortable type of transport, for me but maybe at this time it was the best type of transport. We can also see that’s not a big vehicle.
So, I like this picture because it shows how it was difficult at this time to travel. And even with that fact Harriet go discover the world.

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Harriet Chalmers Adams

Tue 14 Apr - 9:28
1- What i liked about Harriet Chalmers Adams , this woman had no professional trainig as a geographer and had never been to college. But his adventures and photos allowed her to had invitations to speak around the world. She was the first female journalist allowed to visit and photograph the french tranches during WWI. Harriet Chalmers Adams made visit every country that was had been a spanish colony and she went retraced the trail of Christopher Columbus from Europe to the Americas. She was the third American woman asked to join the Royal Geogriphical. In 1925, the society of woman geographers was created with Harriet Chalmers Adams as president, the female explorers can share their experiences with the next generation of female explorers.

2- My favorite photos are those WWI because they shows the realy condition of solders. Also with photos shows a world historic moment. The photos take by Harriet Chalmers Adams in war world with lot of man makes photos even more interesting.
Posts : 2
Join date : 2020-04-02

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Re: Harriet Chalmers Adams

Tue 14 Apr - 12:15
1) What I like about Harriet Chalmers Adams, is that she was already an adventurer when she was little, and she was very determined. Later, she kept this spirit of adventure, which she shared with her husband. She continued to travel the world to retrace history and even was a journalist of the first world war. She affirms these ideas and is not afraid of people's opinions. Throughout her life she has kept a spirit of adventure and this is what has made her a known woman today.

2) My favorite picture is when she travel with her husband and they took the photo of Araucanian family in southern Chile. We can see the conditions to live of their people and joy on their faces, when they don't have much. They live in simplicity and manufacture everything with their hands.
Nina Clanis

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Re: Harriet Chalmers Adams

Tue 14 Apr - 16:20
1) What I love about Harriet Chalmers Adams is her passion for adventure since she was a child. But also his determination to fight the male world and show that women are smart, strong and brave like men. I like her reporting style because she took a lot of pictures. What I also like about Harriet Chalmers Adams, are her many explorations like Latin America, which was at the time not much visited regions and also the photos of the First World War that she made.

2) My favorite picture is one where we see two French soldiers warming up around a fire. Because it really shows what happened and the living conditions of the soldiers every day that were difficult. I also like this photo because it is rare and few people could go to the front and especially women.
Fantine Bonhoure

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Re: Harriet Chalmers Adams

Wed 15 Apr - 14:27
1)What I like about Harriet is first is that she is an explorer but also a photographer for national geography because she shows to people what she could see.
I also like that she is going to the countries of the Spanish colonies to do the same route as Christopher Columbus, I’m thing is good because she retraced history. There is also that it is the first woman journalist who went to the French trenches during the First World War showing the courage of women.
I also like the fact that she criticizes European countries which also shows her courage.
And that she is a feminist therefore that she fights for the rights of women and that she says that women can do like men.

2)My favorite picture is the picture with two men in the forest next to a fire. She is my favorite because she is very beautiful and I like the point of view but also because we can think that it is one of the pictures that she took when she was with the french soldiers during the first World War. I think this picture shows what soldiers went living during the war and I find that important.
Sylia belgherze
Posts : 2
Join date : 2020-04-03

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Harriet Chalmers Adams

Wed 15 Apr - 14:58
1) What I really like about Harriet Chalmers Adam is that she is very courageous and independent. We managed to talk about her knowing that she started off with nothing. We see that she has a taste for adventure from a very young age. She stopped her lessons to follow those of her father and her tutor, she knew how to make her passion her job. In addition, she is not interested in the opinion of others, she has made the trips she loved, she has found a husband who suited her with the same taste for adventure. He d'ont judg her or tell her that what she was doing was not intended for the women of his time. She has a great mental strength which allowed her to challenge the clichés but also a physical strength which allowed her to swim 500 meters without stopping or to travel where she wishes. She also has a great talent which allowed her despite the fact that she does not study geography or other to take incredible photos and write articles more interesting than each other. And all thanks to his determination.

2)my favorite photo is the one where we see an araucanian family from the south of chile. Because we can see that she does not forget her origins that she is proud of her roots, and she wants to show us that they are happy with nothing. This photo sends a real message, we see that if we are determined and we want to reach the objectives it is possible even from a small town or for poor people
Mrs H. G.-F.
Mrs H. G.-F.
Posts : 48
Join date : 2020-03-28

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Re: Harriet Chalmers Adams

Wed 15 Apr - 16:06
Good work so far!
I will answer more fully when I have more posts from the class. I can see you had different favourite pictures, for different reasons - it's what I find enriching, they don't all speak to us in the same way.
My own favourite is the one with the Araucanian man standing in the middle of the graveyard. I find it appealing and mysterious, it reminds me of other places and other times, for instance with traditional stone circles in Great Britain (Stonehenge) even if they have nothing in common. I wonder about the meaning of the wooden posts, if they are totems, gods, goddesses, or just symbolic representations of the people who died. They have different shapes, so we can't really know.
Lucas Lacroix

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Harriet Chalmers Adams

Fri 17 Apr - 11:45

1/ Harriet Chalmers is an atypical women for her time. She was bold and reckless. What I like about Harriet Chalmers is her adventurous side. She accomplished great things. She travelled through the Andes, although it was difficult and dangerous, she didn't hesitate. I am fond of journeys and of wide spaces. I would like to visit and explore the Andes.

2/ I prefer the last picture because she shows that womens are implicated during the war and they weren't just women at home while men were on the front. This picture was taken in Lorraine in France. Women's role during the war was very important. They worked like men, they took the place of men.

Mélina Abdelkader

Harriet Chalmers Adams Empty Harriet Chalmers Adams

Sat 18 Apr - 12:21
-What i like about Harriet Chalmers Adams is his courage and his ambitions. She succeeded with his husband to accros in horses the Latin America. Harriet wasthe fist woman to browse this track. While being a journalist for National Geographic, she was the only woman to discorved the French frontlines of WWI. Harriet was the only woman in an environment surrounded by men.

-My favorite picture was taking in the Latin America of the Araucanian family in southern Chile. I like it because it's a real picture. She has been taken spontaneously and whitout pretence. We can see how the people lived.
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